Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Shack

Have any of you read "The Shack" by William Young yet? I have had several people recommend it who come from very diverse backgrounds. They all seem to love it. I'm curious about any book that can cause such different people to all be in agreement. I would love to know what this group thinks.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dizzying Chase of The Goose - Part 1

I, too, am reading Mark Batterson's Wild Goose Chase, and I have to admit that I'm not breezing through it as quickly as I typically do. I wish I could blame my slowness on the writing, but alas it is in the depth of God's work on my heart through this book that has me turning the pages slowly.

I mean it's not War and Peace. It's not even the length of a Harry Potter book. At a mere 192 pages, Wild Goose Chase is altering my life outlook on each page. Because I am not easily changed; this is not a quick read for me. I find myself pouring over the pages, anxious to read Mark's next insight or ministry moment from his non-building-bound church in our nation's capitol, but then I'm stunned by each new revolution.

Could it be that God has pressed "pause" on my life in ministry because I've chosen to fill my life to the brim with responsibilities? Wow. Not that taking responsibility in life is a bad thing. Unfortunately for me, as I've taken on more and more responsibilities in life, I've left less and less room for/energy for/passion for ministry opportunities.

Is it possible that being a creature of habit, predictable to a fault, can stifle my relationship with God? True relationship isn't in the routine of everyday; it's in the meaning of each thing we do.

Another confession... I haven't finished it yet. :)

God and I are having tough conversations about "What does this mean for me?" I'm getting there, but I'm sure as soon as I get to the end I'll need to start right back at the beginning!

...still chasing the Goose!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wild Goose Chase

I've been really behind lately with some book reviews. This one is a couple weeks past due.

Here is a much better review than anything I could come up with and will probably inform you on a much greater level. Actually check that...first what would help you out more would be this introduction video by Mark himself.

When we decide to pursue the Wild Goose we often what we often find out is that there are obstacles that we may have to overcome. Actually the imagery that Batterson uses is cages. After Batterson invites us to reimagine our faith pursuits he begins to help us define and guide us out of these many cages. Some of the cages that Mark leads us through are responsibility, routines, assumptions, guilt, failure and fear.
I don't know about you but I often times find myself in one or more of these cages.