Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Shack

Have any of you read "The Shack" by William Young yet? I have had several people recommend it who come from very diverse backgrounds. They all seem to love it. I'm curious about any book that can cause such different people to all be in agreement. I would love to know what this group thinks.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dizzying Chase of The Goose - Part 1

I, too, am reading Mark Batterson's Wild Goose Chase, and I have to admit that I'm not breezing through it as quickly as I typically do. I wish I could blame my slowness on the writing, but alas it is in the depth of God's work on my heart through this book that has me turning the pages slowly.

I mean it's not War and Peace. It's not even the length of a Harry Potter book. At a mere 192 pages, Wild Goose Chase is altering my life outlook on each page. Because I am not easily changed; this is not a quick read for me. I find myself pouring over the pages, anxious to read Mark's next insight or ministry moment from his non-building-bound church in our nation's capitol, but then I'm stunned by each new revolution.

Could it be that God has pressed "pause" on my life in ministry because I've chosen to fill my life to the brim with responsibilities? Wow. Not that taking responsibility in life is a bad thing. Unfortunately for me, as I've taken on more and more responsibilities in life, I've left less and less room for/energy for/passion for ministry opportunities.

Is it possible that being a creature of habit, predictable to a fault, can stifle my relationship with God? True relationship isn't in the routine of everyday; it's in the meaning of each thing we do.

Another confession... I haven't finished it yet. :)

God and I are having tough conversations about "What does this mean for me?" I'm getting there, but I'm sure as soon as I get to the end I'll need to start right back at the beginning!

...still chasing the Goose!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wild Goose Chase

I've been really behind lately with some book reviews. This one is a couple weeks past due.

Here is a much better review than anything I could come up with and will probably inform you on a much greater level. Actually check that...first what would help you out more would be this introduction video by Mark himself.

When we decide to pursue the Wild Goose we often what we often find out is that there are obstacles that we may have to overcome. Actually the imagery that Batterson uses is cages. After Batterson invites us to reimagine our faith pursuits he begins to help us define and guide us out of these many cages. Some of the cages that Mark leads us through are responsibility, routines, assumptions, guilt, failure and fear.
I don't know about you but I often times find myself in one or more of these cages.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Road

Cormac McCarthy is a brilliant American writer and arguably the best today. Not only is his work amazing literary works, but he also has mass appeal. Maybe you've one of his other works; All the Pretty Horses or No Country for Old Men?
Recently however I finished The Road. This is a novel set in a post apotlyptic age and is at it's core a story about the relationship between a father and his son.
Although there is little driving plot lines in the story, that is also why it is so creepy and scary. The father and son just walk down a road. Now they do have some obstacles to navigate through and there is a goal in sight, but these are elements that only build the hopelessness of their world and the destitude nature of their lives.
I don't want to share too much, in case you haven't read it, but do trust me and get to this one soon. Read it before the movie comes out.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Divine Mentor

This is the best mediocre book I've read in a long time. The writing is ok but rather boring at times. The stories are kind of cool but it takes a while for the author to get to the point. However, this book has initiated a new spark within me for diving into God's Word and any book that encourages and motivates people to dive into the Bible is worth checking out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Watership Down

I have to add this book because not only have a read it half a dozen times starting in elementary school, but it was a summer read for the faculty and staff from work one year that even some of our non-readers still talk about.

I don't really know what it is about following the journey of a bunch of rabbits that is so enthralling, but this author has spun a tale to make you feel part of the warren.

The Jesus I Never Knew

As I think of more books that I think are blog-worthy, I find this becoming a opening for confessions of a slack, avid reader...

I started this book years ago (I'm thinking like ten years) reading it with a friend from work. Life got busy (even then), and apparently I only read half of it.

Guess this gets back on the reading list!

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

I have to admit, I haven't made it very far through this book by singer-songwriter Andrew Peterson YET, but I have high hopes... That said, I've heard good things from those who have read it.

Add your own post about the book with the same labels, and it will start a thread!

I'll add my thoughts as I read...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Love as a Way of Life

This book I got the opportunity to read as part of a publisher's blog marketing. My friend Trevor has this hook-up where the publisher sends him two copies of soon-to-be-released books, and he reads one and gives the other to a friend. Both write a review and he posts them on his blog. So, you can read the review I did for this book on my blog here.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love

I'll begin with this book because I found even as I only started to read it that it could be a catalyst for great conversation. I found Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert, to be a tremendous journey through extremes. From extreme heartache and hurt on to a journey through extremity in pleasure and sacrifice to find peace and contentment.